
"failure" auf Polnisch — Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch | Werfen Sie einen Blick auf "failure" auf Englisch

failure ***

das Bild zu 'failure' auf Deutsch
  1. porażka, niepowodzenie (brak sukcesu) [COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE]
    His failure was caused by his poor state of health. (Jego porażka była spowodowana słabym stanem zdrowia.)
    Whatever you do, it'll end in failure. (Cokolwiek zrobisz, zakończy się to niepowodzeniem.)
    Antonym: success
  2. porażka (niepomyślna osoba lub wydarzenie) [COUNTABLE]
    They treat me like a failure. (Oni traktują mnie jak porażkę.)
    My party was a real failure. (Moja impreza była prawdziwą porażką.)
    The meeting was a total failure. (Spotkanie było totalną porażką.)
  3. bankructwo, plajta [COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE]
    The failure of my company has taught me a lot. (Bankructwo mojej firmy wiele mnie nauczyło.)
    I lost all my money because of my bank's failure. (Straciłem wszystkie pieniądze przez bankructwo mojego banku.)
  4. awaria, usterka, uszkodzenie, niewydolność (np. w maszynie) [COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE]
    There was a power failure in my flat last night. (Zeszłej nocy w moim mieszkaniu była awaria prądu.)
    Your failure may cost us a lot of money. (Twoje zaniedbanie może kosztować na dużo pieniędzy.)
    This is a serious failure - you have to take care of that. (To poważne zaniedbanie - musisz się tym zająć.)

Weitere Redewendungen — "failure"

Siehe auch: respiratory distress, respiratory failureschool failuremechanical failureengine failurecrop failureorgan failurecatastrophic failurecomplete failuredismal failurefailure-free, fault-freefailure to attendfailure frequencyfailure to grantfailure to appear, FTAproduct failurecommercial failurefailure feeutter failureadrenal failurecardiac failurecardiorespiratory failurecoronary failure, coronary insufficiencygraft failure, graft rejectionmetabolic failuretherapeutic failuregovernment failurefailure to payfailure to cooperatefailure of justicefailure to providefailure to do somethingfailure to meet the delivery datefailure of genital responsefailure of virilizationfailure to thrivefailure in dutiesfailure of a materialfailure to actfailure to comply with conditions, failure to fulfil conditionsfailure to comply with agreementsfailure to comply with resolutionsfailure to comply with the contractfailure to comply with the deposit obligationsfailure to fulfill the obligationfailure to comply with the time limit obligatory in courtfailure to meet the deadlinefailure to notifyfailure to offer aidfailure to offer aid to a person in dangerfailure to pay wagesfailure to read instructionsfailure to comply with the obligation to notifyfailure of negotiationsfailure to comply with the obligatory court time limitfailure in paymentfailure to comply with dutiesfailure to do sofailure to perform obligationsfailure in tension