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The risk of product failure or market rejection is high.
"I think this time the depth of product failure is going to be staggering."
In today's highly competitive market place this can lead to product failures and lost sales.
Consumer product failures are often tracked by the number of returns.
All manufacturers of heart devices recall products or have product failures.
It was one of Microsoft's more visible product failures.
Pfizer said the risk of cases relating to actual product failures appeared limited.
In his later years, he specialized in estate planning, insurance defense, and product failure issues.
Food industry executives argue that for grocers, product failures are simply a routine cost of doing business.
These capacitors would bulge and leak, resulting in product failure after only a few years of use.
Nevertheless, there have been documented cases of product failures due to electromigration.
The terms are used in forensic engineering and structural engineering when analysing product failure.
The company insists that actual product failures were few and that most patients were never endangered.
The disclosure of the records comes amid a growing controversy over how heart device manufacturers release data about product failures to doctors and patients.
Such detailed data, as the recent recall by Guidant shows, is critical because not all product failures are equal.
It is the latest in a series of product failures leading consumer advocates to worry that multipurpose baby products sometimes compromise safety.
The issue of what details device manufacturers provide doctors about product failures extends beyond Guidant.
It was not until November, six months later, that Guidant began publishing more detailed information on product failure.
Dr. Zipes added that both the agency and manufacturers needed to provide doctors with more data about product failures.
The document does not state the internal standard that Guidant uses to notify doctors about product failures.
However, historical reviews of business failure rates show that the incidence of new product failure is very high and costly.
Make sure the chocks meet holding requirements, improperly used chocks can result in product failure.
An estimated 10 percent of the pacemakers implanted each year must be removed because of infection, product failures or recalls.
Analysts seem to agree that if product failures ignited the slump, successes will be needed to reignite investor enthusiasm.
The release apparently never went out, and five months passed before Guidant issued its new and detailed report on product failures.