In fact, Ronjan seemed to be timing things by the occasional glances he gave at his watch.
I'm timing it by that yellow open roadable approaching from the other direction.
She said I was only to stay ten minutes and she's timing me by the clock.
This time Ivo timed it by his watch: twenty-four minutes until the beam desisted.
She also ran the fastest ever electronically timed 100 m by a British woman of 10.93 sec.
Someone's trying to kill us off You can practically time the onset of a new nasty by the digital.
Helm was in the wing, timing his cue by a stop watch, with Clyde watching him from close by.
He waited, timing the sucking sound by the long hand of a stop watch.
So he put his type-girl to work, and we timed her by the watch.
Whether she timed it by skill or luck, there is no doubt that the moment was well chosen.