A halfpenny roll will serve us all.
The electoral rolls themselves, and requirements behind registration, served to lower the level of participation.
But the pedestrian rolls served on arrival drastically need improvement.
The clams were tender, and the assertive sauce begged to be scooped up with bits of the Portuguese rolls served.
Entrees are largely unadorned, except for a Portuguese roll served with several.
Finally, there is no excuse for the dry, commercial rolls served at three meals.
The gentle roll and slight pitch of the galley served only to give his mind an ease of thought as he rested.
Our first meal was lunch, and it was a delight, beginning with the seeded whole grain rolls served as we sat down.
However, the rolls served at the meal's beginning were doughy, undercooked, tough and tasted commercial.
The drum roll connecting the opening track to the next served to cover Emerson's dash back down to the stage.