No, it took me, oh, four or five more days to come completely unglued.
In my box, the ribbons came unglued on first use.
But if he has come unglued let us all hope he stays that way!
However, he worries that "the whole business community will come unglued" if the legislation is passed as written in the House.
With a smacking like a huge suction cup coming unglued.
Everybody is coming unglued and lunging desperately for the big time.
In the long fifth inning, the Cardinals came completely unglued.
But if she came completely unglued out here, Malcolm would know the reason why or have her skin, one or the other.
That is, until the final acts, when they both come spectacularly unglued.
There have been times when someone comes unglued and pushes an unsuspecting person onto the tracks.