He issued many fatwa on important issues at the request of the Muslims of his time.
Judge Gibson issued notable opinions on issues ranging from abortion to the use of the American flag in art and protests.
Consequently, three-line whips are generally only issued on key issues, such as votes of confidence and supply.
Such a judgment may be issued on the merits of an entire case, or on discrete issues in that case.
Who will issue policy statements on issues such as methods for weight control or on vitamin supplements in English, Spanish, Chinese and other languages?
It issues opinions on various issues related to church life and theological matters.
And all week long the White House has issued statements and proclamations on numerous issues, from personnel appointments to organ transplants.
NSEF issued several reports and books on issues related to students and post-secondary education.
In past years, the ministers have frequently issued statements on out-of-area issues.
Accountants, however, feel uneasy about giving advice since the I.R.S. has yet to issue important guidelines on key issues.