The city officials control the high ground in the dispute.
The central issue in the dispute has been job security.
The main issues in the dispute were pay and job security.
The government's role in the dispute is far from clear.
What's in dispute is whether Clinton actually made the calls.
China's natural position as a great power is not in dispute.
Whether his race had anything to do with what happened next is in dispute.
However, the need for action is clear and not in dispute.
Who made the decision to take over the school, and when, is in dispute.
I will understand if you don't want to be involved in a dispute between me and my family's business.
Let me look at the issue and come back to the House.
The film looks at the issue through the eyes of women!
Let us take a look at the issue of China.
So here we have to look at the issue of the level playing field.
Most, but not all, have the relationship between a man and a woman at issue.
Let us be clear about what was at issue then.
At issue is whether the woman should take the law into her own hands.
Exactly what happened, and why, is likely to be at issue for some time.
Let me also say something about the points at issue.
I would like to ask, however, what is actually at issue here.
The amount under dispute for the five films is about $38 million.
The status of the film's copyright has been under dispute.
White's understanding on the subject however is still very much under dispute.
The question is under hot dispute in the Presidential campaign.
Whether the students will have two fewer days of instruction is under dispute.
Just how good any of the innovations are remains under dispute.
The land that is under dispute has had a number of different functions.
Exactly how many people have survived is under dispute and has become a difficult political issue.
Also under dispute is exactly what counts as a "public performance" of music online.
Ever since, the fort has been under dispute for nearly two centuries.