Despite such prohibition many of the stories held wide popular appeal.
Still, the sales tax holds strong appeal for many governments.
The idea of joining the children in the game didn't hold much appeal, either.
Games of chance have never held much appeal for us.
In less capable hands, such a book would hold little appeal for the average reader.
The thought of giving birth to her baby alone didn't hold much appeal.
"The prospect of torture has never held much appeal for me."
At first, the idea held little appeal for either of them.
For him, the idea of a Kennedy memorial service held instant appeal.
That feeling of community seems to hold enormous appeal no matter what someone's interests are.
Because I don't give a fuck about your tortured past.
And the English only give a fuck now, because they got played last year.
It couldn't have been a test, because they really didn't give a fuck whether you came in the room or not.
Before, John didn't give a flying fuck about the project.
And we don't give a flying fuck whether you live or die.
They don't give a fuck about none of that in Africa.
Even if they thought anything else, who gave a fuck?
She was the sort of woman who would give you a fuck while pretending to be talking music or some such thing.
I don't actually give a fuck if there's only two feet.
I don't give a fuck what you won't have me do.