Doctors must give women face-to-face counseling 24 hours before an abortion, and must offer a brochure with full-color pictures of fetuses at two-week stages of development.
The Center provides survivors with on-going support, face-to-face counseling, and accompaniment to the hospital, police, district attorney and courts, and facilitates support groups with survivors.
It also offers a counseling hot-line, face-to-face counseling, post-abortion counseling, free pregnancy tests and residential hostel services.
Executive program fees, usually paid by the former employer, range up to $50,000, usually for a minimum of six months of face-to-face counseling with e-mail and phone sessions.
Counselors advise customers who test negative how to avoid risk, and those who test positive are told where to seek treatment or face-to-face counseling.
Also, the personal, face-to-face counseling at a community pharmacy is most important.
"We can only hope that people will go on to face-to-face counseling."
"Nothing beats face-to-face counseling, and you can't learn to write a complex business plan through E-mail," Mr. Souza said.
Notably, nearly 40% of the participants said they preferred the online support groups to face-to-face counseling.
The NFCC was, in the beginning, strongly opposed to this telephone business model, primarily favoring face-to-face counseling as a more effective solution.