These complement face-to-face consultations and help to create greater transparency of the democratic process.
Many plans offer unlimited telephone advice, and some provide unlimited face-to-face consultation.
Both services say they do not intend to replace face-to-face consultations; instead, they want to supplement them for people who cannot, or will not, visit a professional.
Lianne could swivel her chair around, or rotate the workstation on its turntable base, for face-to-face consultations with Jag.
Q. What do you think of reports of doctors on the Internet prescribing without face-to-face consultation?
If a taxpayer wants to visit an office for face-to-face consultations, that is easy to arrange.
In addition, a range of submissions are randomly selected for a face-to-face consultation with an external consultant selected according to the workplace type.
Students are generally not required to enter the halls of the school's campuses, unless they require face-to-face consultation with teachers.
One of the more innovative examples of these efforts has been the citizens' consultations, experimenting with deliberative polling and face-to-face consultations.
The event is often held in the school hall and adjacent communal spaces where parents move through a series of eight to nine face-to-face 5 minute consultations with individual teachers.