About ten yards from these the lines they were following were wrenched apart.
In morning darkness last winter, the Feuer family was wrenched apart to protect the children from their father's camera.
Then the toilet flushed and we wrenched violently apart, as though each of us had been struggling to get free all along.
It was a sharp, cracking noise: bricks being wrenched apart.
It's a veritable picnic however, compared to watching souls being wrenched apart.
Slowly, the barrier was wrenched apart and small gaps opened that a man could squeeze through.
The story of a world he knew only in his dreams, a world that had been whole, then was wrenched violently apart.
They rushed for the black entrance as the last remaining blocks of rubble were being wrenched apart.
Seconds later, the couplers were wrenched apart and the dead stage was jettisoned!
The gates were wrenched apart, and the water plummeted into the empty canal beyond.