The Rothman Bank had foreseen a financial crisis on a world-wide scale.
Money is made of human agreement and enables this collaboration on a world-wide scale.
Few other people have found land ownership on a world-wide scale a subject for humour.
The Garden has, since its inception, collaborated on a European and indeed a world-wide scale.
I propose to broadcast on a world-wide scale, a message to the good folk of this fair planet.
However, on a world-wide scale there are many difficulties, and some countries, notably in the Middle East, fail to appreciate the significance of intellectual property.
Publicity for Blackpool was enormous, and the railcoach achieved fame on a world-wide scale.
With great ingenuity on a world-wide scale, the US is still attempting to impose its law and order on third country operations.
Europe must remain competitive on a world-wide scale.
Nobody knows, because nobody's ever tried it on a world-wide scale before.