In works dated 1953-54 or later, Mitchell hits something of a stride, perhaps with a little help from Philip Guston's paintings of the time.
There are two similar works, dated some 30 years before the publication of The Great Wave, that are its precursors.
Eleven works dated between 1632 and 1676 are known to be his, eight of which are initialed.
Young musicians were performing newish music (all four works dated from the 1990's) with relish and enthusiasm.
Ancient works dated prior to this fresco tended to view men dominating their environment.
This form, which first took effect in works dated 1278 and 1303, was adopted in Tyndale's and some other Protestant translations of the Bible.
An optical device that suggests the dazzling abstractions of Victor Vasarely, it appears in works dated as far apart as 1966 and 1986.
His papers are housed in the Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris, including thirty-two works dated 1866 to 1899.
Most of the fragments are found in works dated to the Indian Middle Ages, between roughly the 8th and 12th centuries.
The works, dated from 1964 and 1966, may be seen through Jan. 3.