Her hands moved over my back, exploring the ridged welts that Rasfer's whip had raised across it.
Luke took two long-legged strides to the nearest bedroom door and kicked it open, the whip raised menacingly.
Luke turned to Sonny, the whip raised as if he were about to strike him.
The overseer's whip has quickly raised those overcome by fatigue or sickness.
Vanderman was coming at him again, the whip raised.
He drew in his reins, raised his driving whip.
Shalla glared down at her, the whip raised for another blow.
He hefted it briefly in his left hand, raised his whip in his right.
The girl gasping beneath the heavy blows, sobbing as the whip raised livid welts on her skin!
Frances stood, feet firmly planted in the middle of the yard, whip raised, and the top spun.