But soon he was unable even to stay indoors and could wear only a few well-worn clothes.
The boat was as scarred and dented as any; Gersen's personal disguise was no more than well-worn clothes and natural taciturnity.
Some porches are primly restored but obviously unused, others have the comfortable, slightly grimy appearance of old, well-worn clothes.
The 40-something alcoholic in "Poor Helen" drinks herself into a stupor where borders dissolve and skin and identity become as fragile as well-worn clothes.
Another cardboard suitcase, another pile of ragged, patched, well-worn clothes.
Mr. Moore enters, confident and as supple as well-worn clothes, flicking his solo around the contours of the piece.
He certainly didn't seem like a lord of anywhere, with his cropped hair and his well-worn clothes, and the way his friends spoke to him, as to an equal.
As soon as she had showered in unlimited hot water and dressed in comfortable well-worn clothes, Kelly raced out to saddle her bay mare, Calypso.
Three long, bare tables occupied the center of the room- The backless benches on either side were half full of large men in well-worn clothes.
The backless benches on either side were half full of large men in well-worn clothes.