As it happened, this addition merely enhanced the symmetry of an already well-balanced program, which alternated larger European standards with brief contemporary American works.
Giving a representative roster of guild organists a chance to participate seemed a greater priority than presenting a well-balanced program.
If the public fully understands the benefits of a well-balanced program, the construction, permitting and effective use of facilities will fall into place a lot easier.
For now, to handle our garbage effectively, we must make the most of all available proven technologies in a carefully planned, well-balanced programs of solid-waste management.
"This is a very well-balanced program, with heavy emphasis, 85 percent, on zilch to $25,000 in family income," the Mayor said in an interview.
Put simply," Mr. Vogt said, "it means that the county chamber has the ability to plan and conduct a well-balanced and productive program of work.
To deepen the spiritual and enrich the temporal lives of its members through a well-balanced program of fraternal, intellectual, social and service activities.
The gallery has built up a well-balanced programme of work offering an annual arrangement of exhibitions clearly influenced by a strong equal opportunities policy.
"A well-balanced program, no doubt," Lafayette mumbled.
The veteran violinist, known for his big-toned expressive playing, offers a well-balanced program for his Carnegie recital.