All the lawn service persons have bought new weed whackers this year, super hurricane-power 300-decibel mind-blowing whackers.
One of the most devastating problems for dogwoods is careless use of power mowers or weed whackers or both.
Three trips later, she came back smiling; weed whackers, working at the Aspen Institute next door, had agreed to postpone their labors until the afternoon.
Her work force consists of two people who tidy the district with a street sweeper, weed whackers, hedge clippers and lawn mowers.
Three inches of bark mulch around the base of a tree helps hold in moisture and keeps the lawn mowers and weed whackers at bay.
While glow engines run on special and expensive hobby fuel, gasoline runs on the same fuel that powers cars,lawnmowers, weed whackers etc.
The souped-up weed whackers on the tracks he races can go faster than 60 miles an hour.
Also, Long Island's lawn care specialists, those truck-borne battalions of mowers, blowers and weed whackers, would line their pockets on green roofs.
Combat Zone Wrestling 's yearly death-match tournament features the use of fire, weed whackers, light tubes, and other weapons.