
"weed" auf Polnisch — Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch | Werfen Sie einen Blick auf "weed" auf Englisch

weed **

das Bild zu 'weed' auf Deutsch I wonder how this WEED Water Weed weed picture by GONEJONES - das Bild zu 'weed' auf Deutsch
  1. chwast [COUNTABLE]
    Every weed in the desert is still a flower. (Na pustyni każdy chwast jest kwiatem.)
    I have to get rid of weeds from my garden. (Muszę pozbyć się chwastów z mojego ogródka.)
  2. wodorosty [UNCOUNTABLE]
    The fish was tangled in weed. (Ryba była zaplątana w wodorosty.)
    Some weed touched my foot and I got scared. (Jakieś wodorosty dotknęły mojej stopy, a ja się przestraszyłem.)
  3. cherlak, słabeusz  BrE informal [COUNTABLE]
    He's a weed, don't be afraid of him. (To słabeusz, nie bój się go.)
    He won't hit you, he's such a weed. (On cię nie uderzy, to taki cherlak.)
  4. haszysz, marihuana old-fashioned [UNCOUNTABLE]
    I smell weed and alcohol on your breath every morning. (Każdego ranka czuję od ciebie marihuanę i alkohol.)
    He smokes weed every day. (On codziennie pali marihuanę.)
    link Synonym: pot
  1. pielić, usuwać chwasty
    She's weeding her garden. (Ona usuwa chwasty w swoim ogrodzie.)
    Did you weed my flower bed? (Czy wypieliłaś moją rabatę z kwiatami?)
das Bild zu 'the weed' auf Deutsch con Foglia di Tabacco - Il
  1. tytoń informal

Weitere Redewendungen — "weed"

Verb mit Präposition
Siehe auch: weed-killingwater weed, waterweedweed-growndrift-weed, Sargassumdrift-weed, deep-sea tangle, Laminariadyer's weed, dyer's greenweed, greenweed, woodwaxen, woadwaxen, Genista tinctoria, dyeweedbishop's weedbishop's weed, false bishop's weed, bullwort, greater ammi, lady's lace, ammi majusJimson weed, Devil's snare, datura stramoniumblanket weed, blanketweed, string algae, silkweedpickerel weed, pontederiabutterfly weed, Asclepias, pleurisy rootdyer's rocket, dyer's weed, weld, woold, yellow weed, reseda luteolapetty spurge, radium weed, cancer weed, milkweed, euphorbia peplusIndian tobacco, puke weed, lobelia inflatabanded mottlegill, weed Panaeolus, subbs, panaeolus cinctulussheep's sorrel, red sorrel, sour weed, field sorrel, rumex acetosellagalinsoga parviflora, gallant soldier, potato weedground elder, herb gerard, bishop's weed, goutweed, gout wort, snow-in-the-mountain, aegopodium podagrariasweetscented joe pye weed, sweet Joe-Pye weed, gravel root, trumpet weed, eupatorium purpureumstring trimmer, weed eater, weed-whacker, weedwacker, weed whip, line trimmer, brush cutter, whipper snipper, strimmerpurple small-weed, calamagrostis canescensJoe-Pye weed, eutrochium purpureumkidney root, sweetscented joe pye weed, sweet Joe-Pye weed, gravel root, trumpet weed, eutrochium purpureumfish mint, lizard tail, chameleon plant, heartleaf, fishwort, bishop's weed, houttuynia cordata