In the flowerbed the water-loving asters wilted and drooped, and the weeds flourished.
The sidewalk was cracked and canted, and weeds flourished in an unmown lawn.
Noxious weeds such as come up thickly in crowded fields do not flourish in the free spaces.
Grass grew up in cracks in the highway and weeds flourished in the untended medians.
The weeds had flourished and the mastodon-manured bushes were in need of pruning.
The parking lot was littered with yellowed newspapers and trash, and brown explosions erupted from cracks in the tarmac where weeds had sprouted, flourished, and died.
Trees died; statues crumbled; weeds flourished.
A few hardy weeds had cracked the asphalt and were flourishing as best they could in perpetual shade.
But the weeds flourished, too.
Ferns and weeds are flourishing.