And Pakistan does not possess the technology to process the spent fuel from the reactor in question into weapons-grade material.
Whether the uranium was weapons-grade material has not yet been clarified, however.
But they think the previous occasions, dating back to 1989, have been used to build up a stockpile of weapons-grade material.
A plant to refine the fuel into weapons-grade material appears to be under construction.
This is a pointedly political television movie with a message about securing all the weapons-grade nuclear material in the world.
This is not easy, but still a possible new path to weapons-grade material.
Iraq denied having any nuclear weapons or weapons-grade nuclear materials.
The traces could be an indication that Tehran has already produced weapons-grade nuclear materials.
He said there were no indications that Iraq could produce weapons-grade nuclear material when its inspectors left in 1998.
Saddam Hussein is determined to get weapons-grade material to develop nuclear weapons.