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They're still a very long way from having weapons-grade material, if indeed that is their intention.
It also could be boosted to weapons-grade strength in a matter of months.
Number of facilities where weapons-grade nuclear material will be secured.
Iran continues to move forward with its ability to produce weapons-grade nuclear material, he said.
It was established in 1950 for the production of weapons-grade plutonium.
Together they will produce one bomb's worth of weapons-grade uranium a year.
Weapons-grade uranium needs to be enriched to a level of more than 90 percent.
The report did not specify the level of the particles or whether they were weapons-grade quality.
Still, if Iran decided to risk an international crisis, it has the means to make weapons-grade uranium.
It is, however, exactly the right size to make enough weapons-grade uranium for one nuclear bomb every year.
Experts believe the country could produce enough weapons-grade material for one nuclear bomb by the end of next year.
Uranium enriched to the 20 percent level is close to weapons-grade material.
It denies the plant will be used to produce weapons-grade uranium.
It has also pledged to stop further production of weapons-grade plutonium.
The move would allow the communist country to produce weapons-grade plutonium.
In past years, G8 countries have worked on the issue of managing weapons-grade nuclear material no longer required for defense purposes.
But it could be further enriched to weapons-grade if the regime chose.
Whether the uranium was weapons-grade material has not yet been clarified, however.
The fear identified is that terrorists will get hold of weapons-grade material and make a bomb.
Grabbing a phone before the lines went dead, he learned that the weapons-grade material was intact.
For the campaign against the production and stockpiling of weapons-grade uranium.
"Nearly weapons-grade" is not the way to describe the 550 pounds in the current shipment.
The Bush administration insisted that was a precursor to making weapons-grade materials.
Saddam Hussein is determined to get weapons-grade material to develop nuclear weapons.
Nineteen pounds of weapons-grade plutonium was being moved at the same time?