The weapon load was therefore reduced to two canisters.
The F-35 will be a significant improvement over the Harrier, in terms of speed, range and weapon load.
Because Spooks weren't as strong, their troops carried lighter, less-powerful weapon loads.
A possible explanation is that the prototype was never flight-tested at its maximum capacity including weapon load.
Give us your choice of weapon load, and we'll have it uploaded by the time we arrive back at Blytheville.
You can change your weapon load at Andersen if necessary?
The weapon load was a full 12,000 pounds under normal mission capacity.
Normally, we operate with fairly heavy weapon loads, but that limits our endurance in two ways.
The Su-7 was rugged in its simplicity but its shortcomings included short range and low weapon load.
This Virginia class had a reduced weapon load but with a wide variety of types.