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Lefaucheux thus proposed one of the first practical breech-loading weapons.
These had the same range as contemporary breech-loading weapons, but had a much slower rate of fire.
The first breech-loading weapons were swivel guns used in naval warfare.
The main challenge for developers of breech-loading weapons was sealing the breech.
Breech-loading weapons came much later, as effective methods of sealing the breech were developed.
In most 20th century guns, where the shell goes in, hence the name "breech-loading weapon."
As manufacturing processes improved, breech-loading weapons eventually replaced these weapons.
At this time however, many officers were distrustful of breech-loading weapons on the grounds that they would encourage men to waste ammunition.
Most other breech-loading weapons of the day tended to leak hot gas when fired, but Burnside's design eliminated this problem.
This was a very advanced breech-loading weapon with a recoil mechanism and an integral wheeled carriage.
A breech-loading weapon, specifically the BL designation for British artillery.
The shoulder-fired launcher is a single-shot, manual-fed, and breech-loading weapon.
Although the 9.2-inch breech-loading weapon was initially employed as a naval gun, it eventually was used for coastal defence as well.
The RPG-29 is a shoulder-launched, tube-style, breech-loading weapon designed to be carried and used by a single soldier.
Remington Arms and Sharps Rifle Manufacturing Company produced breech-loading weapons for the team.
After testing this weapon before delivering it to the Russians I am forced to believe that this is not the path to a successful breech-loading weapon.
Their weapons consist of swords, daggers, spears, and a firearm something like a carbine-a single-shot, breech-loading weapon of no great range.
One party was able to damage a bridge, while another set a tyre dump on fire and blew up the Breech-loading weapon of a number of naval guns.
Despite taking the lead with a number of innovations like breech-loading weapons and steel construction, the French navy could never match the size of the Royal Navy.
A breech-loading weapon is a firearm in which the cartridge or shell is inserted or loaded into a chamber integral to the rear portion of a barrel.
Widespread use of rifled guns (including cannons), and the advent of reliable breech-loading weapons and automated weapons like the Gatling gun, altered the tactical landscape.
With two companies on the camp's left and two more on the right, and armed with superior breech-loading weapons, Mefford's command initially held its ground, repulsing all attacks.
The pierrier was a breech-loading weapon, using a powder chamber similar to a beer mug for loading of individual shots, without having to load from the front or lose time ramming charges in.
Although breech-loading weapons were developed as far back as the late 14th century in Burgundy, breech-loading became more successful with improvements in precision engineering and machining in the 19th century.
Second-generation warfare - tactics of warfare used after the invention of the rifled musket and breech-loading weapons and continuing through the development of the machine gun and indirect fire.