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"Now here's the one I think you should add to your collection, Henry," Dave said, pointing to a small breechloading cannon on a wheeled mount.
The Sharps & Hankins Model 1862 Carbine was a breechloading rifle made by Sharps & Hankins Co. in the 1860s.
In 1842, the Norwegian Armed Forces adopted the breechloading caplock, the Kammerlader, one of the first instances in which a modern army widely adopted a breechloading rifle as its main infantry firearm.
The first designs of modern breechloading mountain guns with recoil control and able to be easily broken down and reassembled into highly efficient units were made by two Greek army engineers, P. Lykoudis and Panagiotis Danglis (after whom the Schneider-Danglis gun was named) in the 1890s.