Watching her now, it would have been hard to imagine she was a small, weak woman with small feet.
In this context only, she felt she was a poor, weak woman, with all the world against her.
Even if those units were spun off, the parent would be left with the weak women's businesses.
Is it necessary to say she was not a weak woman?
'Although I have the body of a weak and frail woman,' she began.
Yes, his mother had been a weak woman, he couldn't see her putting up a fight, the very idea of it was absurd.
No man should have the power to make a woman weak and ready to swoon simply by looking at her!
So much for a dying, weak old woman badly in need of an heir.
A weaker woman would have simply turned and headed back home.
Of course I'd do anything in the world to help you, but it's little enough a poor, weak woman can do.