This would be a weak substitute for an independent Radio Free Asia.
Several weaker substitutes have been proposed as rigidity conditions.
A bisector is a weaker substitute used to create collections which may not be generated.
However, there is a value to be created when we have in question a set of weak substitutes.
They dwell on effects, and modifications, without tracing them back to causes; and complicated rules to adjust behaviour are a weak substitute for simple principles.
Instead they voted to offer a weak substitute on next week's ballot - the power to recall elected officials.
Athletes and their parents do not always appreciate the newly democratic approach, and some teachers maintain that inclusion and wellness are weak substitutes for discipline and the pursuit of excellence.
The weaker substitute offered by Mr. McConnell and Mr. Johnston drew votes from 14 Democrats and 25 Republicans.
A resolution is only a weak substitute for what we should do to redeem ourselves from the guilt borne by several members for the current state of affairs in this area.