It was as if the extinguished circuitry still exerted some kind of weak gravitational pull on his mind.
They had never known any weaker gravitational pull so, while moving at the necessary speeds put a great tax on their systems, things did not seem too fast for them.
Now the weaker pull of the mainspring is applied to the larger radius of the bottom of the fusee.
Theorists puzzled about how such small bodies, with weak gravitational pull, could have paired up so often.
More likely, he thought, it was this planet's small size and weaker gravitational pull that made him feel so lighthearted.
The weak pull at a large radius is not strong enough to turn a very fast object.
But Fresnel realized that any such medium could, in effect, exert a weak pull on light and change its speed by moving, too.
Fan-shaped muscles, such as the pectoralis major in humans, have a weaker pull on the attachment site compared to other parallel fibers due to their broad nature.
With our high velocity, the centrifugal force was almost too much for the weak gravitational pull of the moon to counteract it.
My cheeks were wet; spherical glittering tears drifted slowly toward my feet in the weak pull of Phobos.