Nicholson looked squarely into the chubby man's eyes, scarcely able to disguise the contempt he felt for such a soft, weak handshake.
Even wizards thought demonologists were odd; they tended to be surreptitious, pale men who got up to complicated things in darkened rooms and had damp, weak handshakes.
He had the Mafia seat (back to the wall), and as I approached he stood and gave me a weak handshake.
- Lack of confidence or poise; fails to make eye contact, weak handshake.
But except for a couple of weak handshakes, his arms remained at his sides and his speech reflected the moisture in his eyes.
In China, where a weak handshake is also preferred, people shaking hands will often hold on to each other's hands for an extended period after the initial handshake.
In Japan, it is appropriate to let the Japanese initiate the handshake, and a weak handshake is preferred.
Only then did Evert begin walking slowly to the net, giving Navratilova a weak handshake before tossing down her racquet in disgust.
I was too stunned to speak or move, but eventually honored him with an embarrassingly weak handshake.
Not the fishtail droop of a weak or reticent handshake, more the controlled delicacy of a bird dog trained to retrieve game without crushing it.