He was then a weak figure who was easily manipulated by his advisors.
Germany's domestic consumption rose more than 4 percent in the first half, but most economists expect a weaker figure for the rest of the year.
"People were bracing themselves for a weaker figure," she added.
His father was a weak or absent figure.
"Nobody can sympathize with a weak figure; that change is not political, but psychological."
The weak figures for the last two months are consistent with a series of recent Government reports suggesting a slowdown in economic growth.
But sales are up about 2 percent, a meager showing over last year's weak figures.
"We know from Soviet history that when a weaker figure comes to the forefront, things begin to come apart."
In practice, however, the prime minister was a fairly weak figure, serving as little more than the cabinet's chairman.
The weak figure lifted an arm and pointed to the left.