All of a sudden, the Giants had a weak division in their hands.
Just because you're in a weaker division you might gobble up a bunch of wins.
The division, though weak, did not experience significant Soviet pressure during that period.
Green did not appear overly concerned about the losing, perhaps knowing that his team can still become a factor in a weak division.
Fortunately, they play in a weak division and its hard to imagine the Braves topping them.
That will be enough for them to win one of the weaker divisions in football.
But Dayton, which has become stronger as it sold off weaker divisions, is expected to put up a struggle.
Each Combat Group was the equal to a weak division.
This is a weak division, so the Cardinals could finish close to .500.
At this time, its strength stood at 9,342 officers and men, that of a weak division.