They were in an immense chamber whose walls soared to high, ribbed ceilings.
High walls of vegetation soared overhead; flowers filled the air with sweet fragrance.
Sheer walls soared on both sides of him, and in places the passage was nearly pinched off, narrowing to only a couple of feet.
As you approach, the walls soar overhead in a mesmerising demonstration of the skills of the builders.
The walls soared straight up out of the sides of the peak.
That wall soared twelve stories straight up to the lighted windows of the top floor.
Precipitous walls of rock soared thousands of feet straight up.
In some rooms, the walls soar to a height of 20 feet.
Then there was a narrow horizontal ledge before the wall soared another twenty-five feet at the same angle.
The walls of the castle soared into the air above them.