At the next table, a man nervously eats most of the seeded cracker breads as he waits for his date.
She's waiting for her date outside a bar on a rainy early evening in Bilbao, Spain.
She was standing off on the side lines waiting for her date when I first caught sight of her.
I moseyed into the parlor and sat there turning the pages of magazines ostensibly waiting for my date.
She'll wait for her date, now in the bathroom.
He'd spent the last half-hour passing himself off as a bored window shopper waiting for his date.
A young woman waiting for her date, who then showed up.
Later at a restaurant, Slade is aware of Donna; a young woman waiting for her date.
At the beginning of the story, Fumihiko Matsumaru is outside a movie theater waiting for his date to arrive.
She's probably just waiting for her date to leave Oblivion.