The Council determined that the involvement of any state would constitute a serious violation of its obligations to not support terrorism.
Many of those proposals would place the United States in violation of its international obligations toward refugees.
Such legislation, however, would certainly be challenged as a violation of Israel's obligations under international law.
Unless Iran is in clear violation of its international obligations, it will be difficult to persuade the Security Council to impose punitive economic measures.
The report stated that the blockade constituted a violation of Israel's obligations as an occupying power in Gaza.
And by today's declaration, Iraq in effect admits violation of its obligations under the treaty on the spread of nuclear arms.
Describing the blockade itself, they referred to it as "a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel's obligations under international humanitarian law".
Sentencing people to death for crimes committed when under the age of 18 is a clear violation of Iran's obligations under international law.
Would it be in violation of our obligations under GATT?
As such, Israeli reliance on local law does not justify its violations of its international legal obligations".