
"obligation" auf Polnisch — Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch | Werfen Sie einen Blick auf "obligation" auf Englisch

obligation **

  1. zobowiązanie, obowiązek [COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE]
    He is under no obligation to stay here. (On nie ma obowiązku tu pozostać.)
    I had a moral obligation to help her. (Miałem moralny obowiązek pomóc jej.)
    You have your rights, but you also have obligations! (Masz swoje prawa, ale masz także obowiązki!)
    link Synonym: duty
  2. dług (zobowiązanie moralne u kogoś)
  3. przewód, powinność (wobec księcia w polskim prawie książęcym) [COUNTABLE]
    Siehe auch: ducal law

Weitere Redewendungen — "obligation"

Siehe auch: financial obligationcontractual obligationobligationalcountry's obligationsinsurance obligationeducation obligationpersonal obligationtax obligationcontractual obligationstreaty obligationshonour an obligation, honor an obligationsupervision obligationmeet an obligation, fulfil an obligationdischarge obligationdischarge obligationstake an obligationperform an obligationdischarge an obligationcontract obligationspayment obligationsfulfill obligationsjoint obligationfundamental obligationsimplicit obligationindeterminate obligationindirect obligationsobligation novationexplanation obligationcounter obligationcustomary obligationpayment obligationcivil obligationobligation to voteobligation to do somethingobligation to accept performanceobligation to conclude an agreement, obligation to sign an agreement, obligation to execute an agreementobligation to notifyobligation of an expert witnessobligation of informingobligation of justificationobligation of keeping confidental informationobligation of keeping patient confidentialityobligation of maintenanceobligation of medical examinationobligation of obedienceobligation of performanceobligation of professional secrecyobligation of redress for damageobligation to bear the costsobligation to bear witnessobligation to cautionobligation to compile reportsobligation to discloseobligation to enclose instruction for use by producerobligation to extraditeobligation to file an expert opinionobligation to get permissionobligation to give out belongingsobligation to help and notify financial officesobligation to help in case of failureobligation to honest and sensible actionobligation to indemnityobligation to inform in advanceobligation to issue guaranteeobligation to maintain the booksobligation to mark products properlyobligation to obtain approvalobligation to pay alimonyobligation to pay damagesobligation to payobligation to perform serviceobligation to prosecuteobligation to prove somebody's guiltobligation to provide compensationobligation to provide for a livingobligation to provide for somebodyobligation to provide servicesobligation to publish in printobligation to publishobligation to receive permissionobligation to refrain from something