"It is axiomatic that you can't have a rape charge if the victim consented," he said.
These victims either never consented, or if they did, their initial consent is rendered meaningless by the subsequent actions of the traffickers.
However, the court ruled that consent could be withdrawn at any time, even if the victim had initially consented.
A light injury is considered generally permissible when the "victim" has consented to it.
The defendant must now be seen to have taken steps to ascertain clearly whether the "victim" was consenting in all the circumstances.
A man can deflect an accusation of rape by claiming that his victim, of any age, consented.
The defendant was acquitted on the basis that the victim consented.
Defendants who plead not guilty to rape, generally do so on the ground that the victim consented.
In the former case it does not matter that the victim consented; in the latter the conduct must be unauthorised.