Pounded by the waves, the stricken vessel swung sideways on to the storm.
The "Terror" had already been seen, and the powerful vessels which enforced the mandates of our government were swinging into position to give chase.
Almost immediately the battered vessel swung about, began to move off.
Three other vessels swung at anchor near beaches crowded with European vacationers.
Then they let the little vessel swing around and run in a south-easterly direction dead before the wind, under bare poles.
With the signal to clear, the speedy vessel was swinging away from the side of the big ship.
Before their unbelieving eyes the vessel swung about and put slowly out to sea.
In a line, the vessels swung over the ruins, where they prepared to set down.
Moichi cried to the helmsman, and the vessel immediately swung to port.
Presently the vessel veered toward the west and then swung gracefully to the south.