After being passed everything seemed to be going well for what Congress had decided on the piece of legislation.
You can learn more about these important pieces of legislation here.
The 1968 act wasn't an especially tough piece of legislation to begin with.
"In 32 years I have never spent so much time on any piece of legislation," he said.
We should not try to call into question this piece of legislation.
I am talking here about over 20 000 pieces of legislation.
We now have this piece of legislation, along with the case law on the subject.
This is a very important piece of legislation for us all.
The health care bill is far from the first piece of legislation to include such benefits.
This is the most important piece of legislation we've had in 25 years.
Today, in statutory and corporate law, certain social constructs are legally considered persons.
All other forms of intellectual property rely on common or statutory law for their authority.
In this case, both the Constitution and the statutory law applied to the particulars at the same time.
South African statutory law does not define a "farm attack" as a specific crime.
As an introduction, a few examples of federal statutory environmental laws are provided here.
"Sir, there really is no constitutional or statutory law on this question."
He said the basis of the complaint was "constitutional and statutory law involving civil rights."
Existing statutory law is also referred to by Section number.
And under the state's statutory law, those criteria must exist for at least 10 years.
All other forms rely on common or statutory law for enforcement.
These legal acts were more about the general activity of the police.
Only an international legal act can provide such a guarantee.
The United States has to get its legal act together.
Adopt is to take into one's family (a child of other parents), especially by a formal legal act.
We usually talk of just over 20 000 legal acts in this context.
We have a solid base of more than 200 legal acts in the environment.
New legal acts will be required and all that takes time.
Will you state clearly yes or no to a legal act through codecision?
It is anticipated that the legal act will be adopted at the end of June.
All these proposals and more could be adopted with just 30 legal acts.