A border was constructed along the western plain, built using pits and mounds of earth, called "earth cows", to discourage illegal land reclamation.
During years with normal precipitation the growing season can be increased by an extra month or more by using harvesting pits.
More than 40% of rural households use unsanitary open pits or defecate in fields, beaches and water bodies.
The W89 was also reportedly designed using recycled pits from the earlier W68 nuclear weapon program, recoated in vanadium to provide the temperature resistance.
Using pits in the crumbling mortar for foothold, Cal hauled himself up on to the eight-toot wall that divided this yard from its neighbour.
Shell mined the shale using open pits and extracted its oil in an above-ground retort.
The company, in accordance with the prevailing industry practice at the time, had long used pits to dispose of this liquid.
Mining is done using multiple open pits.
The first tests using electric detonators and solid pits were performed on 7 and 14 February 1945; until then primacord-based initiation was employed.
Perhaps the blood weed, driven by some dark red instinct, had learned to use such pits as a trap.