He urges the jurors to raise their hands if they need to respond in any way.
"We urge you to raise concerns about these abuses during the prime minister's visit," Jones said.
And the commission urged Congress to raise the President's pay to $350,000 from $200,000, where it has stood since 1969.
But tonight, Ford urged Explorer owners to raise the pressure in their tires.
He began to urge the Hermans to raise their prices in March 1990, the federal indictment said.
He denies this and says union leaders urged him to raise bus fares an average of 10 percent to cover their demands for more pay.
He also urged China to raise its judicial system up to international law standards.
At no time did Calbot force or urge me to raise the initial amount.
I urge you to raise this issue with President Bush at the earliest possible opportunity.
I would urge the Commission to raise this issue as soon as possible and make the necessary additional proposals.