An upper endoscopy requires that you have an empty stomach before the procedure.
A doctor will explain the upper endoscopy in detail, including possible complications and side effects.
Some studies show that screening tests for stomach cancer, such as upper endoscopy, would not result in a lower death rate.
If needed, your doctor may recommend a procedure called an upper endoscopy.
Before having an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, tell your doctor if you:
If you have any of these conditions or devices, you may need to take antibiotics before the upper endoscopy.
Before your doctor performs an upper endoscopy, he or she will explain the procedure in detail, including possible complications and side effects.
Your doctor may also use an instrument to look closely at the inside of the stomach, a procedure called an upper endoscopy.
Once a patient complains of dysphagia they should have an upper endoscopy.
Diagnosis of gastritis may include an upper endoscopy and blood tests.