Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
He said endoscopies were up 88 percent from 1995 to 2000.
The night before her endoscopy, she went out for pizza.
House comes to see Foreman's office with the results of the endoscopy.
An endoscopy is a test that examines a part of the body.
No patients had taken antibiotics for at least one month before endoscopy.
At present the best way of monitoring these patients is by endoscopy.
Patients routinely had an endoscopy before treatment and after six weeks.
Endoscopy within 24 hours is recommended, in addition to medical management.
All patients seen for check endoscopy had good control of symptoms at that time.
The light source and a camera are positioned by endoscopy.
The control group did not receive endoscopy treatment and was studied closely.
Learn about the purpose of Endoscopy, what to expect and how to prepare for this test.
A biopsy of the stomach is usually done during the endoscopy.
And all of this you don't see on X-ray or endoscopy.
Large pieces of food can get stuck and may require endoscopy to remove them.
Biopsies can be taken via endoscopy to provide more information.
Endoscopy can check for problems in your esophagus or stomach.
This is done with a needle or during endoscopy.
If needed, your doctor may recommend a procedure called an upper endoscopy.
Endoscopy has the highest yield for any of the tests performed.
There was no death in the endoscopy treated group.
In this group three cases had repeated but eventually successful therapeutic endoscopies.
This blood test may make it possible to avoid having an upper endoscopy exam.
Some applications include light guide systems such as endoscopy and dental technology.
But by chance, as endoscopies waned, a new test surged.