One group work was based entirely upon dignified walking patterns.
He arranges transparent patterns upon patterns so that you see through them as gauziest screens, each one seeming to fold as if it moves.
They participate in every bodily function and have profound influence upon the mental states, and tendencies, attitudes, emotions and behavioural patterns of every individual.
And it was equally pointless to seize upon patterns, to rely on them, to obey the mystical regulations they seemed to imply.
The system is based upon accent, alliteration, the quantity of vowels, and patterns of syllabic accentuation.
With its emphasis upon circular patterns and lines of dancers with linked hands, the ballet glorifies the ensemble, yet it does contain rewarding solo parts.
The guajeos (ostinato melodies) are often built upon offbeat patterns.
Nationality as such was found to have little bearing upon patterns of friendship, reading of newspapers, watching of television, or attendance at theatres or concerts.
Normal male sexuality seems to depend upon very specific and complicated hormonal patterns that are not completely understood.
The PC lets individuals learn about and act quickly upon statistical patterns in price and volume data.