A systematic planting program is carried out and every year native trees and bushes are planted to remove unwanted weeds, i.e. Prosopis juliflora.
Someone asked how long it would take to treat the lake of the unwanted weed.
One of the biggest problems in getting a large area established is controlling the unwanted weeds and woody plants that will come in naturally.
Also be wary of introducing "well-rotted manure" to borders - that usually comes dosed up with bindweed and other unwanted weeds that grew in the field.
For example alien bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) have displaced many native pollinators, and pollinated some unwanted weed species, across the globe (Hingston et al. 2002).
This sturdy plant helped evaporate the water and bring air into the soil, thereby solidifying its structure and further preventing the emergence of unwanted weeds.
Control is the destruction of unwanted weeds, or the damage of them to the point where they are no longer competitive with the crop.
Cast me aside like an unwanted weed, if you must.
It is also used to chop up unwanted weeds or crop remainders.
You have confined us to the ghettos of barren forests and unwatered ground from which nothing grows butthe most unwanted weeds.