In 2009, Feldman joined the Responsible Government Group, a conservative caucus seen as an unofficial opposition to Miller and the centre-left majority of council.
The unofficial opposition in Czechoslovakia is not unified in judging 1948.
Today, the drab headquarters of six major professional associations are the hub of Jordan's unofficial opposition, a role the government has sought to curb by writing a draft law that bans their political activity.
He was also a hard-liner on maintaining Kenya's one-party state, using the strongest epithets against members of the unofficial opposition.
The executive council or cabinet forms government while all the regular members form an unofficial opposition.
Since Wednesday, 11 people connected with the unofficial opposition have been arrested, according to relatives and laywers of those taken ninto custody.
It's clearly a political gesture - the Labour party thanking them for being the unofficial opposition.
The two leaders of Kenya's unofficial opposition and the most outspoken advocates of a multi-party state were arrested here tonight after weeks of harassment.
Following the 1991 election, some balance was restored to the legislature with the opposition parties holding 12 of 58 seats and the "unofficial opposition" was not continued.
After the election, she became a prominent figure in the council's unofficial opposition to new mayor Glen Murray.