Even if, by some unlikely chance it was, she herself would be nowhere near Market Basing at the time.
Even in the very unlikely chance that they get their greasy paws on one of us.
But sometimes, the best explanation is simply random, if unlikely, chance.
If he lost (an unlikely chance), we would have to keep moving - only this time without our magician.
A desperate journey to the pole, on an unlikely chance that they could salvage the Brazilian ship?
"If, by some unlikely chance, you would like political asylum here-" The scholar shook his head.
What if by some unlikely chance he should outlive Bud and me?
On the unlikely chance that she might hear me, I could only repeat the doctors' lie: "You'll be better soon."
And if, by any most unlikely chance, the French should make an attempt upon me here, we can now defend ourselves.
I knew that getting the rest of those horses up to the top was an unlikely chance.