Sirens started throughout the ship, but in the undulating pattern that signified it was not a Condition 1.
They are scalloped and look contemporary, their undulating pattern reminiscent of the ceiling of some modern music hall.
In the bushes are white and blue lights, which blink on and off in an undulating pattern.
The only other animals that swim in a vertical undulating pattern are whales and seals.
Some have intricate, undulating patterns, resembling filigree; others are more stark and simple.
Flocks generally fly in an undulating pattern, creating a wave-shaped path.
Every undulating pattern of light and shadow on the walls and ceiling seemed infused with sinister intent.
The flight is a characteristic "flap-flap-glide", with the glide creating an undulating pattern.
The portal frames are rectangular in shape with rounded corners and have different heights, which creates an undulating pattern along the platforms lengthwise.
These lines fly in an undulating pattern as they alternately flap and glide.