Alfred B. DelBello abruptly resigned from the same job after grumbling about not having enough to do under his boss, Gov. Mario M. Cuomo.
They recorded victories over two ranked teams: Boston U. and Missouri under Tatum's former boss, Don Faurot.
Loyal soldier to ASIC, and serves under her boss, Magic the Hard.
He left Northwestern in 1985, doing a stint as receivers coach for the San Francisco 49ers under his former boss at Stanford, Bill Walsh.
His accomplishments at NUMA while serving as special projects director under his boss, Admiral James Sandecker, read like an adventure novel.
To get these plans under way Mrs. James and her boss, George Artandi, president and chief executive of the book club, have devoted long days to teleconferences and staff meetings.
Manu Varma works his heart out for three months under his cruel boss.
Here he worked under his former boss at Swindon, Paul Sturrock.
After completing his secondary education, he worked at the Federal Survey Department as a third class clerk under his boss the late Mr. Ojemuyiwa of Isara-Remo.