St Vincent swiftly uncovered casual and obvious abuses of the system.
Earlier, both institutions had helped uncover abuses in the plant, which to Gap demonstrated their experience and independence from management.
It turns out that the particular psychologist who made the accusation uncovers abuse in a high percentage of her cases.
Some companies are fighting back by using private investigators to uncover abuses of sick-leave policies.
We uncovered the fraud and abuse in government.
"What is clear is that he has done a superb job uncovering waste, fraud and abuse in Iraq."
Hank voted for health care reform that gives Medicare new authority to uncover waste, fraud, and abuse.
If we have a database of fingerprints, we can uncover cheating and abuse immediately.
In his new post only a few months, Mr. Chertoff may already have uncovered abuses.
This would replace the current practice of uncovering abuses through audits, often years later, and trying to undo them in court, one case at a time.