The aircraft is supposed to be as cost-effective as possible, with a short turn-around time and low maintenance requirements.
Does not matter if the three passports are from different countries or have different turn-around time.
By integrating all aspects of production and avoiding outsourcing, the company achieves a fast turn-around time from design concept to finished product.
These could be quickly removed and replaced to give the MiG-242 exceptional turn-around times.
It's even true that today's small crews and fast turn-around times make it rare to recognize a sailor on shore.
That meant a four-hour turn-around time to the Ring 8 Station.
It has numerous berths allowing for a quick turn-around time.
However, the one-time masking cost is high and there is a long turn-around time from design to product phase.
By mid-morning on May 10, Hall still hadn't announced what our turn-around time would actually be.
Hall's obligatory turn-around time had come and gone a full two hours earlier.