Before them lay a long swirling tube-like structure, more a cave than a ship's interior, but in fact they were on a ship.
Rather they seemed to blend back into the dust, to the tube-like structures there.
They bury themselves deep into sand creating a tube-like structure and stick their tentacles out of their holes.
In reality, the hand bones of stegosaurs were arranged into vertical columns, with the main fingers forming a tube-like structure.
A tube-like structure hangs down from the centre of the umbrella, and includes the mouth at its tip.
Fiber/fibre - the fine tube-like structure of wood which is hollow and determines the grain direction.
On a microscopic scale, the fossils consist of narrow tube-like structures, which weave around one another.
The cube tower is a small, cardboard, tube-like structure.
The tube-like structure is often bent and can also widen to form a bulb/desiccant reservoir.
In late summer, tube-like structures develop on the undersurface of the apple leaf.